Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Clarity and Knowing


Jumping from high up I land.
I am here.

Each moment holds the possibility
of presence and awakening.

Each moment holds the possibility
of releasing or gathering in.

Each moment holds the possibility
of embracing the mystery of all life.

Each moment, this moment, gives birth
to realizing my wholeness and beauty.
Each moment can be a catalyst of stillness
for exploring right action in the world.

richard hammer
Cape Coral, FL

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"Deep clarity is not reached through thought, it's rather through
transcendence of thought.
So let go of trying to figure it out and allow the profound silence within
to lead you to clarity.."

- Anand Mehrotra

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 The Knowing
So may we, in this life, trust
to those elements we have yet to see.
May we lean into the wings
that surround us,
May we know in our deepest knowing
that we are not alone
that if we fall we will be caught
by the invisible web of magnificence
we weave every day.
And in that knowing,
may we, like the wings themselves,
rest and rise
rest and rise
rest and rise and soar
to unseen heights.
Come, let us fly.
~ Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

Remember daily to hug yourself with your own wings.

Some Buddhists say that like a bird with two wings we need both wisdom and compassion to support our action in the world. The question of which comes from the other, or which comes first, is irrelevant. It is like asking which comes first the chicken or the egg. The inquiry logic comes from a dualistic view of the world versus a non-dual.

Both proceed from each other and need each other. What is more important? The inhale or the exhale? Both are needed for the other to flourish, and can not exist without the other.

So remember to wrap yourself each day with wisdom and compassion.

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