Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Present Wholeness in 2017

Present Wholeness Yoga
January 2017

How will you open in the new year of 2017? Knowing that change is a constant - What will you allow to come into being? What will you sustain that is here? And what will you release and let disappear?

For the New Year
In “Living Deeply: The Art and Science of Transformation in Everyday Life”, Marilyn Schlitz writes that there are five elements to the process of changing our consciousness.

First is the intention to make positive, life-affirming changes.

Second is building spiritual practices out of our exploration, and shifting our attention from external to internal forces.

Third is repetition of our practice to build new neural pathways and behaviors to create a new habit.

Fourth is guidance, which can come from many sources, such as “a trusted teacher, reading an article, a book that rocks you”. At this point, there comes a shift from outer to inner authority.

Fifth, all of these elements, “are wrapped in the arms of surrender”. “It's all about yielding to potential.”

May that which is dying, go gently.
May that which is being born, arise exuberantly.
And may I be high witness to them both.
- Ascended Master Djwhal Khul

Use these thoughts from other teachers to light your path into the next evolutionary period.

Teach only love for that is what you are.” - A Course in Miracles

“The only real voyage or discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.”
- Marcel Proust

“Reality is simply the loss of the ego.” - Shri Ramana Marharshi

“Everyone knows how to choose; few know how to let go. But it’s only by letting go of each experience that you make room for the next. The skill of letting go can be learned, and once learned you will enjoy living much more spontaneously.” - Deepak Chopra

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be....” - Lao Tzu

“Practice the presence of peace. The more you do that, the more you will feel the presence of that Power in your life.” - Paramahansa Yogananda

Within the heart of every human being is the Truth they are seeking. With Truth, you live a life filled with perfect health, creativity, supply and Joy. … An inspired life is a life lived from the heart. Your heart center is the gateway, the portal, of your infinite nature ~ the healer within you. Your highest intelligence, purest love and infinite wisdom are all found within your heart. Each time you choose to be love in action, you open your heart.” - Chunyi Lin – Spring Forest QiGong

Four Steps to Opening Your Heart – Gratitude, Honesty, Respect, Kindness.


The Tens List for 2017

Forget the traditional practice of resolutions for the new year. The number 2017 is a “1' in numerology which invites beginnings and creation. What is arising for you to say yes to at this time for the new year?

Here is a practice of Tens for self reflection. Make a list, or several lists, of 10 items.

  • 10 things to be left in 2016. Such as thoughts: eg negative self talk, grievances, missed opportunities, associations, experiences.
  • 10 things to bring into 2017. Such as new learnings and creations, greater skill development in a chosen field, meeting new people, travel to never before visited place.
  • 10 minutes every day for each: purposeful movement exercises such as yoga, for meditation, for sitting and journaling or walking in nature, for _______________
  • 10 ways to give to others, to serve. Helping out a local charity with your time, talents, or tithing. Taking time to listen to someone who needs to be heard re: their life problems.
  • 10 ways to create – writing, art, cooking, crafting, sewing, ________________ .

This is a time for setting Attitude, Intention, Attention // Direction, Discipline, Dedication.

Cultivate a sense of your 5 P's: Power, Purpose, Passion, Presence, and Possibility.

For Bonus Points – establish a 100 Day Gong. - Write out and create a daily check off list of things you will without fail do each day for 100 days and if you miss a day you start over at one for 100 days. This could involve diet, exercise, journaling or any other practice.

Do not become overwhelmed with all this. Step away and let it come.

Consider creating a metta (loving kindness) statement for your year repeating it each day to yourself, silently or out load, several times. Statement such as: “May I be happy. May I be well. May I know peace.” and then sending it out to others, both known and unknown, with “May you be happy. May you be well. May you know peace.”

Rules for 2017:
Don't be tricked into believing that the way things are is how the world works.
Look for beauty everywhere. Allow yourself to be amazed and live in awe.
Find what your heart opens to.

Make your own rules..... with love as your guide.

लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु

lokāh samastāh sukhino bhavantu
May all beings in the Universe BE HAPPY AS HAPPINESS!

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti 

Thoughts for January 2017 from Richard Hammer   

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Speak the Truth Fearlessly

In this moment of time of change with the coming into the Winter Solstice next week and then the New Year of 2017 with a new President the opportunity is to face what is, and is coming, fearlessly. These words from Jack Kornfield are appropriate for these times of change, flux, and re-centering for finding one's strength and stepping forward.

"True strength meets the vulnerability of life with caring and courage. True strength knows that there are two great powers in this world. The first is those who are unafraid to kill. The other is those who are unafraid to love. Even in situations of great danger, true strength chooses love. Martin Luther King Jr. demonstrated the strength of this love in the darkest hours, saying, “We will meet suffering with soul force.” It takes courage to truly feel the weight of each other’s suffering, courage to honor the other side’s fears of annihilation and loss of dignity. Yet until pain and fear are held in a wise way, the cycles of hatred will continue.

True strength also brings clarity, like a sword that cuts through illusion. It is called discriminating wisdom. When we are not locked in blame or struggle, we can see things as they are. “We can,” says William Butler Yeats, “make our minds so like still water that beings gather around us that they may see… their own images, and so live for a moment with a clearer, perhaps even with a fiercer life because of our quiet.” When needed, we can be fierce and strong, wielding the sword of clarity. Liberated from anger, we can speak the truth fearlessly. At the same time we are free of ill will, so our actions care for the welfare of all."