Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What Is Asking

What is asking for your attention this day?

Perhaps duty and obligation, or maybe wonder and grace?

How will you consciously embrace this moment? Is there a feeling of push or surrender?

Then read this poem that asks what time it is... .

    What time is it?

There is a time for laughter.
There is a time for joy.
There is a time for crying.
There is a time for caring.
There is a time for giving back.
There is a time for receiving.
There is a time for loving unconditionally.
There is a time for union.
There is a time for centering.
There is a time for story.
There is a time for community building.
There is a time for giving thanks.
There is a time for mystery and wonder.
There is a time for peace.
There is a time for raising one's hand.
There is a time for raising one's consciousness.
There is a time for acknowledging.
There is a time for releasing pain.
There is a time for healing and saying yes.
There is a time for being real.
There is a time for connection.
There is a time for questioning.
There is a time for looking up.
There is a time for turning over stones.

What is this time for you?

      richard hammer

And when times seem dark, confusing and challenging read Todd Norian's post dated 11-23-16.

"Remember the last line of the Shiva Invocation: Niralambaya Tejase, which has become my prayer I offer to you. "I stand within my own heart, independent from anything external (niralambaya), and I refuse to allow the negative forces of reality to disturb my internal peace of mind, clarity of thought, and alignment with human values I know are right. I choose to stay open, in my center where I access the calm in the chaos. When I do that, the essence of illumination (tejase) will shine out and be a guiding light of love, justice, and equality for all people. From that place may I act with love."


Monday, November 21, 2016

Thoughts on the Path

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.”
- Mark Twain

A young monk asked the Master: “How can I ever get liberated?” The Master replied: “Who has ever put you in bondage?” - Unattributed Buddhist teaching

Buddhist psychology says that the causes of suffering are greed, hatred, and delusion. Or, in different terms grasping, pushing away, and ignorance of what is true. What if you were to realize that you are already whole and complete? Who would you be? What would you do?

The opportunity to create a new experience beyond the externals of problems, distractions, fears, and agitation lies in this thought, this breath, this moment. Then from this mindful place of being to step into the future.

On pursuing your calling: “Courage is when your mind finally catches up to your heart and decides to act on what it knows.” - Mastin Kipp

Tolerance is Divine

Our work as teachers is to strengthen the physical body to lift our vision. Our work is to study two movements: that which we offer outward, and the wisdom we invite in - so we can walk through life with clear intuition, always beginning again.

Our work is to attenuate our own tendencies, mitigate our polarities and monitor our priorities.”   - Elena Brower

May all your choices and acts create a life you can love. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Florida Yoga Journal Conference Thoughts

The Florida Yoga Journal Conference was held earlier this month on the east coast in Hollywood, FL. This is the sixth time I have been to the Florida Conference. Even though I have been teaching for quite awhile I allow myself, actually remind myself, that I know nothing and to remain open to receiving. I want to allow myself not only to learn but to be amazed, both internally and externally, as to what I am being invited to experience.

There is always a wonderful sangha like energy for those who gather, despite the fact that some pursue one yogic path or lineage and others a different one. Bywords could be acceptance and appreciation.

The yogic path, which is way more than just the asanas, is one of self discover, transformation, and evolution. Part of walking this path is to mindfully engage in those opportunities and circumstances that allow one to step into the ring of fire of change. This might require a time of inner connecting, cocooning, and then emerging into something different.

One of the workshop teachers, Sadie Nardini, see her 2013 book “The 21-Day Yoga Body”, asked us, mostly teachers in this workshop, to craft a statement that says who you are. One that you identify with as truth about you that you want to present to the world.

For Sadie, she discovered that after a number of years of teaching and practice she realized that what she focused on, and taught others, her theme if you like, was authenticity and empowerment. She has a unique physical presence, that might be off putting for some, but she is unapologetic for it. Her core statement, or mantra, is “Know Yourself”.

What is your core statement? Take sometime to journal on it. Maybe over a weekend, or even over several weeks. Who are you? What do you invite others to know about you as you? Then write it up in short form, only two or three words. It is not meant to be a twenty second elevator speech. And try it on, for a few days. Say it out loud. Ask close friends if they see you that way.

Here is the one that feels right for me, at least at this time. Live in wonderment.

How will you live today? As if everything is a miracle, or nothing is?

When you live each moment with a sense of awe and appreciation, you open into vistas of gratitude. When living in gratitude vistas things not seen before become visible. Synchronicity occurs and opportunities for expression and being occur.

Of course it is a choice. Each moment and breath is a choice. What will you choose to allow yourself to live in integrity with your being, your calling, your dharma?

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying
to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

A second question along these lines of living authentically is to consider referencing. How do you relate to the external world vs the internal? From where do you seek guidance and power? Is it from other people, perhaps seeking their approval whether it is family, friends, or society in general? Or, is it more internal, a sense of internal intuitive alignment?

Most of us work both sides of the street on this at various times, but the question is – Are you conscious of doing it? And what has, or holds, greater validity for you? Can you find a balance that allows flow that yields mindful action that serves you and the world around you?

And what is the underlying energy of that flow? It is love. Cultivate being the presence of love. The default mode for most of us humans in regarding thoughts about the present or future is one of fear. But as we progress in cultivating consciousness and awareness of thought we come to establish a new foundation for action and that is love.

The only remedy to fear is love.
The only place where you can choose between the intention of love
and the intention of fear is in yourself.”
- Gary Zukav

Daily Work

The opportunity of a lifetime is to live YOUR life.
Don't pass it by by being indifferent or fearful.

What can you, will you, do today to positively impact all humankind?

Where might you insert yourself, your ideas or acts, that will turn the tide of events
to help and allow all of us to live with a greater sense
of abundance, wellness, love, gratitude and grace?

reflection + discernment x mindful action = positive change

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