Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Stories

What are the stories you have been telling yourself that you have built a life upon? 
Have they changed over the years, over the journey?
How does the active mind want to qualify, quantify, and justify them?
What are they now?
What have you learned? What can you pass forward that is worthwhile? 
Who is listening?  Who do you want to listen?  What does it mean to listen? 

In the later years, the wisdom years, we (I) come to know a new view of ourselves (my self).
One that is accepting, not only of this moment but all of the past, all the ups and downs that have been created that led to a whole life. This sense of wholesomeness can not be understood from a view point of 40 years ago at age 35.  There are paths, some that lead to mountain tops and others through valleys. All are worthwhile.  The journey is the destination.

What is the vision at this point?  How inclusive is it? Can you view the next mt top from here?
Come now and walk a mile with me.