Monday, November 27, 2017

Balance, Flow, and Integrity

Balance, Flow, and Integrity – Wholeness in Motion

How will you move through life today?  Is it mindfully and with love?

"If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself, if you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give, is that of your own self-transformation." – Lao Tzu

"The transformative process is our job, so that we are not ruled by fear but by love." – Ram Dass

"Through an open heart, one hears the universe." – Ram Dass

“If there is love in your heart, it will guide you through your life. Love has its own intelligence.”
- Sadhguru

"The first thing you discover is a kind of emptiness, a silence, a presence which doesn't seem to have content to it, like looking up at a limitless sky. That boundary-less place inside you is your own consciousness, your awareness. When you relax into it, you realize that it's also full - it is everything. You realize this presence is what you really are: Love." ~ Arjuna Ardagh

"There's a voice that doesn't use words. Listen." ~ Rumi

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लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु
lokāh samastāh sukhino bhavantu

May all beings in the Universe BE HAPPY AS HAPPINESS!

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A Note from Richard - 11-27-17

I use a free online journal for a short weekly writing. Titled Penzu  (, it is easy to access and save, and go back to rewrite on occasion. It prompts me in my email on Mondays to write something for the week or day. Here is part of today's jotting:

Title: Gratitude, Grace, and Guts

The title may same a little unusual. These three words don't seem to fit together.
When we have gratitude we flow into grace. And when we are in grace, that feeling and awareness of perfect wholeness in action and activity, we find the courage, the "guts", that lies beyond fear based consciousness that is a cheat and error of thought, to do the work that is waiting for us to do in the world today.  Our work that is absolutely unique to us to perform.  That which is waiting for us to do.

Embrace the three G's and step into your day.
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And then two weeks ago as part of my morning penning was this -
At the beginning of the year 2017 I was drawn to create, embody this:

Purpose Declaration (aka Mission Statement) -

I am here to use my voice and talents to elevate humanity.
(to make the planet a better place).
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So, on this Monday I ask you to create a short Mission Statement for yourself that is beyond the ego's prompting of “to compete and survive”.  Take time, perhaps on the space below to write out what it means to you, at least today, to thrive meaningfully. Keep it simple.

Ram Dass, author of Be Here Now, encourages us with this -

Love, Serve, Remember.

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