Sunday, December 31, 2017

The 2018 Shift

The 2018 Shift

If you were a flat lander, had only 2 dimensional referencing, you would have no idea of the 3D perspective. Map vs on the ground terrain experiencing. It is the same with contents vs context, wave vs ocean, and as Martin Buber cites, I-Thou.

We have a tendency to float in our current habituated perspective until something jars us free or beckons on. It could be a challenging event, serendipitous encounter, or the continued inner quest. The question arises of what am I missing, or what is to be understood here now?

Yoga gives us tools for this inner inquiry but we have to apply them. Then after consistent practice and strong inclination to be free of shackles of misunderstanding and ignorance we begin to see from a higher level. It is like looking out from a tall building at the bottom floor into a park. You see kids playing there. Then you take an elevator the to 86th floor and look down at the park where the children are still playing. Both views are valuable. One is more centric and the other more expansive. When both are considered the viewer's awareness of balance, unity and wholeness becomes more greatly appreciated.

So, the opportunity of 2018 is to shift and bring a new perspective to what is arising in you, for you, and as you. It could be considered a mountain top view, higher up vs low down. Low down is necessary but so is higher up. Can you live as comfortably in the known as well as the unknown.
Can you find individual sanctuary and stillness time as part of the shift?

What are some of the important practices that you might bring to bear? They might be learning to ask the right questions, some of which might be universal and some uniquely individual to you. They might be asking for help, admitting at long last that you need a higher up view.

The opportunity is to hold the yin-yang perspective and energy, uniting with it and being it. The work before us is to be creative, contributory, adventuresome, and satisfying. It is to reveal what is wanting to be seen and witnessed. It is us showing up, cherishing the journey, and doing the work.

Writer, poet, thinker, activist Joanna Macy sees us being in the potential of three epochs:
  Business as usual
  The Great Unraveling (breakdown)
  The Great Turning (turning to love, wisdom vs on each other)

Author of World as Lover, World as Self, she writes “It is my experience that the world itself has a role to play in our liberation. Its very pressures, pains, and risks can wake us up -- release us from the bonds of ego and guide us home to our vast, true nature.”
The heart that breaks open can contain the whole universe.”
Joanna Macy
How might you open you today?

You can listen to her talk with Krista Tippett in 2016, or read the transcript, at

Richard Hammer, Present Wholeness Yoga, 1-1-18

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