Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Courage and Clarity

I have been taking an online course through the Shift Network titled The Enneagram of the Virtues with Russ Hudson. We are in week 9 and the subject is Type 6 of the 9 types, which is head centered (5, 6, and 7s). Type 6 is seen as Questioners. 

I have been posting on their fb group for this series one of my poems for the type under discussion.  Here is the one for today  -

Courage and Clarity

There is the courage to go in
to see what is really there,
both light and dark.

And there is the courage to go out,
to expand, open, receive the unknown.

There is the courage to hold onto
when so many things scream for release,
and the courage to let go,
to live beyond the old, familiar.

The courage to stay.
The courage to leave.

The courage to speak up.
The courage to remain silent.

The courage to release the riddle
in the making or the solving of it.

It takes courage to ask for help.
It takes courage to see a better way
for your one amazing life.

Take this moment to say yes
to the you that is showing up
to ask yourself this question -

What is the next step forward for
what my heart is asking for?

Clarity comes with asking
the right questions.

What is the right question to be
asked in the moment?

What is the version of you,
2.0 or perhaps 8.0, that is
seeking voice or to be seen?

richard hammer


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