What is the conscious conversation you might have today with another?
..... one that might provide a space for deep listening.
Today a member of our Center of Spiritual Living Wednesday meeting group, Ken, spoke of a moment in time that offered a deeper spiritual awakening for him. He said,“I came to listen in a different way.”
Can you mindfully pause, yes stop, to inquire of another "How is your day today." Attempt to drop below the surface veil of accepting the standard response of "OK" to listen at depth. Instead of receiving the five second response, opt in for the five minute listening without speaking response. Say nothing, unless it is "tell me more"! Have eye-to-eye contact. And listen. Deeply listen. Be present for meaningful heartbeat of another.
Our world hungers for this human connection. As human beings, we each want to be seen and heard. This is part of joining the community of human beings, to be accepted and loved. Give the other a moment of your time to feel nurtured by you.
of listening for content, listen for heart resonance, for mutuality, for understanding the meaning
of another's life. Instead of trying to fix the other with all your accumulated years of wisdom .... pause and let higher guidance direct your next words and action. Maybe it is "Thank you", along with a hug. May be it is something else. Let it be authentic with you.
We are here for mutual support and surrender. Or, is that mutual surrender and support? When it is your turn to say what is happening to you this day, allow vulnerability. Walk to the edge of your fear of opening to another, and mindfully voice what is arising. Face the fear of revealing your deeper self to another (yes, done within a safe context with appropriate boundaries).
We grow by pealing back the layers of surface stories and meeting what is truly true at depth. This is self discovery. Listen to the words you speak and hear something that you did not realize was there, that wanted to surface. This is self-realization. This is transformation.
Let another hold this space for you just as you would for them.
Here are a few referencing sources:
From Elephant Journal online - "Love, real love, in all of
its raw, beautiful, dirty, confusing, funny, ugly, and sexy forms is what
connects us. At Elephant Talk we dive boldly into every aspect of love and partnership.
Curiosity and a passion for finding connection, fresh perspectives, and honest
communication are the driving force behind every episode."
Also, you might find it of interest to receive the short monthly recording of Listen
Well, a monthly audio blog, a spoken word website where the speaker-journalist provides an insight into perceptions. impressions of her journey. - http://www.listenwell.org/current-offering
May you be well.
May you know peace.
May you offer peace to others.