Friday, April 6, 2018

Poetry As A Gate

Poetry As A Gate
April 2018 Creativity Speaking

Poetry is the opportunity to explore the familiar with new eyes.

Poetry is the opening of consciousness for experiencing the gift
of life more deeply.

Poetry is the sampling and savoring of language, emotions, and
the many landscapes of being.

Your writing of poetry invites in the muse who has been assigned
to you to create with language.

There are musical muses, and other artistic muses.
Each needs to be invited in.  Some need to sit by you in silence,
others in nature, or perhaps while running down the road.

You will know when the muse taps you on the shoulder and compels
you to place words to page.  Your muse will remind you to carry pen
and paper at all times to record the imperatives of your insights.

Pause now.  Listen.  And then write.

Pour out what is coming to make space
for receiving what is to come next.

Let it be a wild, fierce flow or a gentle, surprise in what appears.

There will be a beat, pulse, rhythm in your unique style.
Accept what arises.

The urge to write will rise.
Resist it not. Let it come.

Let it be an invocation, an utterance, a celebration, a declaration,
a cleansing, an offering.  Let it come.

richard hammer


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