Friday, October 18, 2019

Today's Blessing

What is the blessing that you are inviting to be received today?  

In my short journaling prompt this morning I began it with "A better day begins."
... because yesterday was an out of sorts day, a not truly me day, a hard to recognize the authentic me foggy day. 

Then later this morning this prompting. "The word that is floating on consciousness is UNPLUG. Could this be the Word of the Day for me today, this week?   What if we could make a deck of 3x5 cards with a separate word on each that you could randomly draw to see how wisdom (Jhana - or as noted in Buddhism, dhyāna) is inviting you to open to the path for the day.  

Words such as Discipline, Community, Inspire, Create, Balance, ... 

And then coming into today's email from my Penzu online journal was a noting of what I had written three years ago on this date titled Flourish.

"The opportunity to flourish in your life is now.  This moment.
Why put off or delay it?   What is wanting to arise and be present now?

Life is meant to be lived with Purpose, Love, and Joy....
with connection, with authenticity, with creative curiosity.

It starts with acknowledging peace within. To find a stillness there, to  find an alignment there that allows a moving into your soul's calling.

It then requires connection. Intimate, mindful contact. Requires being vulnerable, but from a place of trust.  An allowing yourself to know another and to be known my them.

Then to move. Let the movement be with Grace, Ease, and Elegance.
This is the G.E.E. factor.  Learn to cultivate the GEE factor in your life." 

What is your word of the day for today?

Ziva Meditation
In the event you are not already familiar with the practice of Ziva Meditatio by Emily Fletcher
check on her Three M style – Mindfulness, Meditation (includes 2x breath), and Manifesting.
Her recent book is Stress Less, Accomplish More 

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